
COVID-19 State Foreclosure Moratoriums and Stays

2022-03-30T13:57:02-05:00March 20, 2020|Categories: Foreclosures and Mortgages|

State COVID-19 related housing actions, March 1, 2022 The following are summaries of actions certain states have taken in response to the COVID-19 crisis to limit home foreclosures. The list may not be complete, as state and local governments continue to adopt new emergency measures at a fast pace. Consumers and their advocates should [...]

Rebuilding America

2019-03-07T10:57:18-05:00February 2, 2012|Categories: Foreclosures and Mortgages|

How States Can Save Millions of Homes Through Foreclosure Mediation The evidence is in: Foreclosure mediation programs are a proven, inexpensive tool to help keep paying borrowers in their homes while saving communities and investors billions of dollars. Published February 6, 2012©National Consumer Law Center Download the Full Report (PDF) Dowload the Executive [...]

General Mortgage Servicing Policy Analysis

2022-07-08T15:08:59-05:00September 2, 2010|Categories: Foreclosures and Mortgages|

Testimony & Comments Comments on the CFPB's Proposed Rule to Protect Homeowners Impacted by the Covid-19 Emergency, May 10, 2021 More testimony & comments Reports & Press Releases Press Release: Advocates Applaud Federal Housing Finance Agency's Move to Require Mortgage Lenders to Obtain Applicants' Language Preference, May 3, 2022 Issue Brief: Fighting Zombie Second Mortgages: [...]

HAMP Policy Analysis

2019-08-29T10:06:00-05:00September 2, 2010|Categories: Foreclosures and Mortgages|

Analysis and Recommendations No Hope for Homeowners: The Administration’s Home Affordable Unemployment Program Hurts the Unemployed, July 2010 Home Affordable Modification Program: Borrower Notices Fall Short, November 2009 Archive+ Policy Briefs, Reports and Press Releases Report: At A Crossroads: Lessons from the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), Jan. 2013 Statement re: IRS Tax Treatment for [...]

HAMP and Other Loan Modification Programs

2019-03-08T07:58:49-05:00April 28, 2010|Categories: Foreclosures and Mortgages|

Administrative Guidance Handbook Supplemental Directives Common FAQs Conversion FAQs HAMP Borrower FAQs HAMP General Administration HAMP Summary for Judges (July 2011) Progress Reports from Treasury 2010 Servicer Performance Reports and Press Releases Reports COP Reports SIGTARP GAO Reports HAMP Policy Analysis Testimony,  Reports,  Recommendations, and Press Releases Decisions Recent Trial Court Decisions on HAMP Enforceability [...]

Foreclosure Mediation Programs

2019-03-07T12:18:13-05:00March 7, 2010|Categories: Foreclosures and Mortgages|

State Mediation Programs Summaries: -  Supervised Programs -  Unupervised Programs State Programs Model Documents Model Foreclosure Mediation/Diversion Statute (Judicial Foreclosure State) Model Foreclosure Mediation/Diversion Statute (Non Judicial Foreclosure State) Model Statute: Requirement for Loan Modification Analysis/Loss Mitigation Before Foreclosure Memorandum on Federal and State Constitutional Issues Related to Foreclosure Mediation/Diversion Model Form for Summary Data [...]