NCLC was launched as part of the War on Poverty with funding from the federal Office of Economic Opportunity, but for over twenty years we have been independently sustained through the support of a diverse network of private foundations, consumer advocates and attorneys, and individual donors.
NCLC depends on the voluntary support of people and foundations concerned about consumer rights and economic justice, and advancing fairness in the marketplace for all. Our work is made possible by your support. Thank you to all who support NCLC, including the following:
Leadership Giving
John A. Spanogle, Jr. (1934-2020)
- Action Inc.
- Annie E. Casey Foundation
- Cabot Family Charitable Trust
- Illinois Office of the Attorney General
- Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General
- Barr Foundation
- Borchard Foundation Center on Law and Aging
- Boston Bar Foundation
- E4TheFuture, Inc.
- Energy Foundation
- Ford Foundation
- Heising Simons Foundation
- Indiana Citizens Action Coalition
- JPB Foundation
- Justice Catalyst
- Justice in Aging
- Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation
- New Venture Fund
- Open Society Foundations
- Rhode Island Public Utilities
- RMLow Foundation
- Southern Environmental Law Center
- The Boston Foundation
- The Regents of the University of California
- The Rhode Island Foundation
- U.S. Administration on Aging
- W. K. Kellogg Foundation