
Blue NCLC logo followed by the words "Racial Justice and Equal Economic Opportunity" in bold.


Credit & Economic Opportunity || Equal Access to Higher Education


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About NCLC’s Racial Justice and Equal Economic Opportunity Project: 
Exploitative financial practices have drained wealth and resources from families and communities of color. The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) works at the national and state levels to protect these families’ pocketbooks and rebuild their wealth so that they can survive and thrive in the U.S. financial marketplace.

From NCLC’s groundbreaking anti-discrimination litigation and public policy advocacy, training, and support for attorneys and other advocates, and public education, we are committed to building economic security for vulnerable families of color so they can achieve the American Dream.

Free Racial Justice Webinars

Check out NCLC’s series of webinars on Rebuilding Wealth and Economic Opportunity in Communities of Color. The series focuses on restoring economic opportunity and preventing discrimination in communities that were decimated by the foreclosure crisis and the Great Recession. Listen to past webinars or sign up to be notified of future webinars.