
Through Stay Connected, NCLC attorneys conduct trainings for non-attorney advocates and front-line social service workers to help low-income Massachusetts residents avoid termination of their utility services. Advocates learn the eligibility requirements for electric utility discounts, how to prevent service from being shut off, and how to restore service if it was terminated.

In-person Trainings
To schedule a training in Massachusetts, please e-mail

Online Video Training
Advocates may also watch the training online (see below).
You will need the following materials, provided below:
1. Training handouts (referred to by color and/or title during the training).
2. Download Utilities Advocacy for Low-Income Households in Massachusetts (print as many copies as needed).

Training Handouts

Through Stay Connected, NCLC attorneys conduct trainings for non-attorney advocates and front-line social service workers to help low-income Massachusetts residents avoid termination of their utility services. Advocates learn the eligibility requirements for electric utility discounts, how to prevent service from being shut off, and how to restore service if it was terminated.

·         In-person Trainings
To schedule a training in Massachusetts, please e-mail

·         Online Video Training

Advocates may also watch the training online (see below).

You will need the following materials, provided below:

1)     Training handouts (referred to by color and/or title during the training).

2)     Download Utilities Advocacy for Low-Income Households in Massachusetts (print as many copies as needed).