
The National Consumer Law Center’s Massachusetts Economic Justice Project allows NCLC to work specifically in Massachusetts with local advocates helping low-income consumers and seniors facing difficulties in the marketplace. NCLC offers our consumer law expertise, recognized in Massachusetts and throughout the country, to Massachusetts legal service attorneys, private attorneys, and advocacy organizations who share our goals of consumer justice.

Low-income Massachusetts consumers and seniors can locate free legal aid at MassLegalHelp.

To find private consumer attorneys, frequently with no advanced fee, go to  Homeowners threatened with foreclosure should get help from their local housing counseling program, for information call (800) 569-4287 or go here.

Our support for advocates include:

Case Consultations

NCLC offers telephone consultations to advocates representing low-income Massachusetts clients and seniors on consumer issues. Technical assistance is also provided in the form of NCLC’s expert testimony, and by NCLC co-counseling or referring cases to other Massachusetts consumer lawyers.

NCLC provides consumer law training for legal services programs, private lawyers, pro bono programs, and government agencies in our state. A Massachusetts legal services attorney will be awarded a partial scholarship to attend NCLC’s annual four-day Consumer Rights Litigation Conference each year.

Policy Advocacy
NCLC engages in legislative advocacy on behalf of low income clients and responds to requests for information within our expertise from the media and policymakers. NCLC is working with a coalition of housing groups to strengthen protections against predatory mortgage lending, and another coalition to strengthen the protections for consumer sued by debt collectors.

Utility Advocacy: Project Stay Connected

NCLC provides targeted trainings, upon request, to advocates and social services staff on preventing gas and electricity shutoffs and restoring already-terminated service.  We also provide telephone advice on individual cases, and advocate for changes in state energy policies and programs to reduce the significant burden of utility costs on low-income families throughout the Commonwealth.

The National Association of Consumer Advocates runs a listserv for Massachusetts-based consumer attorneys to share information and collaborate on legal issues facing Massachusetts consumers.  Legal aid lawyers may join at reduced rates.

Public Education
NCLC develops educational brochures, analysis, and other special reports on issues important to Massachusetts consumers.

Special Projects
NCLC can undertake special projects targeting specific abuses and issues or special populations, including absent class members, designed to bring greater fairness and justice to the consumer marketplace.

We know that, as we build and support the practices of a growing body of Massachusetts consumer attorneys, we are expanding low-income consumers’ access to the protections of consumer law.


For information on directing a cy pres to NCLC contact Rich DuBois or Paul Laurent in NCLC’s Boston office.