

Henderson v. Vision Property Management, LLC

2020-09-29T12:35:14-05:00September 24, 2020|Categories: Litigation|

U.S. District Court Eastern District of Michigan Co-Counsel: National Consumer Law Center (NCLC), NAACP Legal Defense Fund, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Michigan, and Michigan Poverty Law Program This class-action lawsuit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. The lawsuit alleges the Defendants violated federal and state civil rights [...]

Amicus Briefs

2022-07-12T15:49:20-05:00July 17, 2020|Categories: Litigation|

Below are some of the amicus briefs filed by NCLC and our partners on behalf of our low-income clients. In collaboration with national, state, and local organizations and attorney advocates, NCLC provides guidance on a wide range of cases impacting low- to middle-income consumers and their families.  Access to Justice || Civil Rights || Credit [...]

Obduskey v. McCarthy & Holthus L.L.P.

2019-07-18T13:58:41-05:00April 4, 2019|Categories: Litigation|

On March 20, 2019, the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in Obduskey v. McCarthy & Holthus L.L.P. examined liability for violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) that are committed in non-judicial foreclosures. This webpage provides resources to consumer attorneys litigating FDCPA cases arising from foreclosures. This webpage will be updated as more materials [...]

Henson v. Santander

2020-03-11T16:13:25-05:00May 18, 2016|Categories: Litigation|

The Supreme Court on June 12 in Henson v. Santander Consumer USA Inc., __ U.S. __, 2017 WL 2507342 (June 12, 2017) held that debt buyers are not covered under the FDCPA’s second definition of debt collector because they do not collect debts owed to another. This webpage provides resources to consumer attorneys litigating cases [...]

Case Index – Closed Cases

2022-03-22T11:11:30-05:00May 10, 2010|Categories: Litigation|

Auto Finance Discrimination As co-counsel in a series of national class action lawsuits brought under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, NCLC has successfully attacked racially discriminatory lending practices in the used (and new) car business, with settlements valued at well over $100 million. The cases, which were filed against some of the nation’s largest auto [...]


2022-05-19T13:44:49-05:00March 7, 2010|Categories: Litigation|

Consumer Class Actions The definitive consumer bankruptcy treatise by Henry Sommer, the nation's leading consumer bankruptcy author. Subscribe Now! NCLC represents consumers in cutting-edge litigation that seeks to reform the rules of the marketplace.  We are interested in cases that will have a far-reaching impact and can benefit from our unique legal and policy expertise.  [...]

Case Index – Open Cases

2022-03-22T12:31:48-05:00March 5, 2010|Categories: Litigation|

Contract for Deed Abuses Rodriguez v. Riverstone Communities, U.S. District Court, E.D.N.C. Civil Action No. 5:21-CV-486-D Complaint NCLC and the North Carolina Justice Center filed a class action attacking a scheme by which used manufactured houses are sold to low-income families through a highly unfair contract-for-deed arrangement. Purchasers don’t receive title until they pay the [...]

Co-Counseling with the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC)

2019-02-21T16:41:34-05:00March 5, 2010|Categories: Litigation, Services|

Why Co-counsel With NCLC? NCLC sets an example for ethical, principled consumer law practices and encourages broader participation in such efforts by directly joining the litigation battle in partnership with new recruits as well as seasoned veterans. We offer a unique set of resources that can play a critical role in providing high quality representation [...]

Litigation Project Guidelines

2022-01-11T14:54:51-05:00March 5, 2010|Categories: Litigation|

NCLC does not have the resources to receive and review complaints sent directly by consumers. Individuals seeking representation must obtain local counsel. For assistance finding a lawyer, click here. NCLC's litigation activities are restricted to consumer law matters only, focusing on cases where low-income or elderly consumers may benefit from NCLC's specialized expertise, particularly in [...]