Legislation & Regulation


Rulemakings Archive

2020-06-17T14:00:57-05:00March 5, 2010|Categories: Archive, Legislation & Regulation|

CFPB Sources and Use of Data Dec. 27, 2018 deadline to respond to the CFPB's request for information on the consumer bureau's sources and use of data. Consumer comments. Faster Payments Dec. 14, 2018 deadline to comment on potential actions by the Federal Reserve Board to create a real time payment system. Consumer comments. Community [...]


2022-08-23T11:44:10-05:00March 5, 2010|Categories: Legislation & Regulation|

On behalf of our low-income clients, we are monitoring the following legislative activities. Visit Congress.gov for the status of a federal bill or to contact a member by phone or email (or call the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121). You can find out who your U.S. representative is here, and Members' Twitter handles are here. [...]