
Andrew G. Pizor, Attorney

2022-08-08T12:38:32-05:00April 19, 2010|Categories: About Us|Tags: |

Andrew Pizor is a Staff Attorney in the National Consumer Law Center's Washington, DC office where he works on issues related to mortgage financing and defending homeowners from foreclosure. He is a contributing author to Federal Deception Law, Home Foreclosures, Truth In Lending, and a co-author of Mortgage Lending, Mortgage Servicing and Loan Modifications, and Consumer [...]

Willard P. Ogburn, Senior Fellow

2020-04-28T17:12:16-05:00April 19, 2010|Categories: About Us|Tags: |

Willard Ogburn is a Senior Fellow at NCLC, previously serving as Executive Director. The National Consumer Law Center is a low income advocacy organization, publisher of the major treatises on consumer law, a support center for legal aid programs, and sponsor of the annual National Consumer Rights Litigation Conference. The Center is sometimes called ‘the [...]

John Howat, Senior Energy Analyst

2020-02-03T09:52:01-05:00April 19, 2010|Categories: About Us|Tags: |

John Howat has been involved with energy programs and policy issues since 1981.  Areas of expertise include: design and analysis of low income energy affordability and efficiency programs, low-income utility consumer protection, energy expenditure and burden analysis, prepayment and advanced metering, utility credit reporting and utilization of credit scores, development and analysis of utility arrearage [...]

Robert J. Hobbs, Senior Fellow

2020-02-03T08:18:13-05:00April 19, 2010|Categories: About Us|Tags: |

Robert "Bob" Hobbs is a Senior Fellow at NCLC, having served as a staff attorney from 1972 to 1987 and Deputy Director from 1987 to 2014. He specializes in fair debt collection law. Bob was on the Board of Directors and the Treasurer of the National Association of Consumer Advocates and a former member of [...]

Charlie Harak, Attorney

2020-06-29T14:37:51-05:00April 19, 2010|Categories: About Us|Tags: |

Charlie Harak is senior attorney for energy and utilities issues. He represents consumers before regulatory agencies, testifies at legislative hearings, and provides legal and policy counsel to low-income advocates, legal services lawyers, and government officials. He also devotes much of his time to training lawyers, advocates​,​ and front-line social services staff regarding the rights of [...]

Charles Delbaum, Attorney

2020-04-28T15:45:59-05:00April 19, 2010|Categories: About Us|Tags: |

Charles Delbaum is a senior staff attorney at the National Consumer Law Center in Boston, focusing on class action litigation, and has been counsel in dozens of consumer class action cases that have been brought to a successful conclusion.  He also is co-author and editor of NCLC’s Consumer Class Actions manual and contributing author to [...]

Carolyn L. Carter, Deputy Director

2020-04-28T15:42:08-05:00April 19, 2010|Categories: About Us|Tags: |

Carolyn Carter is the Deputy Director at NCLC (previously serving as Director of Advocacy). She has specialized in consumer law issues for over 30 years. From 1974 to 1986 she worked for the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland, first as a staff attorney and later as law reform director. From 1986 to 1999 she was [...]

Alys Cohen, Attorney (Washington D.C. Office)

2022-03-15T08:35:13-05:00April 19, 2010|Categories: About Us|Tags: |

Alys Cohen is a staff attorney at the National Consumer Law Center's Washington office, where she advocates before Congress and federal agencies regarding mortgage lending, foreclosure prevention and other low-income homeownership issues. Alys also trains and consults with attorneys, organizers, mediators, state advocates and housing counselors nationwide on home lending matters. She has been active [...]

Debbie Parziale, Office Manager

2020-04-28T17:24:21-05:00April 19, 2010|Categories: About Us|

Debbie Parziale is NCLC's office manager.  She joined NCLC's staff in 1985.  In addition to supervising the administrative staff, Debbie coordinates a wide array of NCLC activities including:  arranging the logistics of  the board of directors meetings; organizing registration and accounts receivable of the annual Consumer Rights Litigation Conference and other conferences; preparing materials used at advocacy trainings; and [...]

Svetlana Ladan, Director of Operations & IT

2022-03-08T09:28:58-05:00April 19, 2010|Categories: About Us|

Svetlana Ladan joined NCLC in 1998. She is responsible for the overall planning, organizing, and execution of the Center’s IT functions. Her responsibilities also include developing security protocols, promoting information security awareness within the organization as well as managing NCLC's website(s). Svetlana is a member of NCLC's senior management team. Svetlana graduated from the University [...]