

Fair Debt Collection for Legal Hotline Advocates

This webinar covers many of the debt related issues that an advocate is likely to experience on a legal hotline, and give tips and strategies that can be utilized to address those situations.

Cars and Insurance Issues

Cost and availability of car insurance, especially for low-income families as well as other car insurance issues including credit insurance and insurance related products and the practices of insurance companies when dealing with claims and damaged cars.

Understanding Pension Rights

This webinar covers the topics of fixing the easy problems, threshold matters, and spotting common issues such as vesting and accrual of benefits, service breaks and suspensions of and limitations on benefits (post PPA).

The Role of Undue Influence in Elder Abuse

This webinar covers the topics of Intervention perspectives, victim and perpetrator characteristics, tactics and process, capacity and consent, legal remedies, case realities, identification and investigation and resources.

A Toolkit for Serving Diverse Communities

This webinar gives an overview of tools necessary to assist with every stage of program planning, implementation, delivery, and evaluation of services to diverse populations.