
NCLC is the leading provider of continuing professional education for a growing community of consumer advocates.  In 2009 alone, over 11,000 attorneys, advocates, and service providers attended an NCLC conference or training workshop.  The goal of our training program is to increase the quality and accessibility of advocacy resources for consumers nationwide. Our courses are designed for all levels of experience, from a nuts and bolts session for beginners to cutting-edge strategies for sophisticated practitioners.The sessions are carefully prepared to be practical, participant-oriented, and energizing.We also offer regular webinars that allow attorneys and advocates in disparate regions of the country to receive the latest consumer law information at their desks. For more information about our conferences and trainings please email To sign up for email updates please fill out this form.

National Elder Rights Training Project

The National Consumer Law Center will provide in-person and webinar trainings for the aging and legal services networks nationwide. After decades of training, mentoring and providing advice and technical assistance to legal services providers and members of the Aging Services Network, the Center is pleased to work with the Administration on Aging to further its mission of helping Older Americans remain in their homes and communities for as long as possible. Providing training on a wide range of topics is an essential function of a National Legal Resource Center. NCLC has years of experience training the legal services providers and non-attorney advocates who will lead the effort to help Older Americans age in place. NCLC is also well versed in the issues confronting our elderly population and is eager to work with the Administration on Aging in helping it empower older persons to remain independent, healthy and safe within their homes and communities.  For more information about our elder rights training project or to request a training in your area please read National Legal Resource Center’s website.