
Latryna Carlton

2019-03-27T10:44:03-05:00August 7, 2014|Categories: About Us|

Board of Directors, Florida Rural Legal Services.  President and founder of Committed Citizens of Waverly [Florida]; Founding member and Client Board Member, Florida Equal Justice Center.  IRS VITA Site Coordinator; Community Advocate, Department of Juvenile Justice (Florida 10th Judicial Circuit;  AmeriCorps VISTA Alumn, Corporation for National Community Services and Polk County Board of County Commissioners.AmeriCorps.

David Vladeck

2019-02-20T11:48:25-05:00August 6, 2014|Categories: About Us|

Professor of Law, Georgetown University Law Center. Senior Fellow, Administrative Conference of the United States. Elected Member, American Law Institute. Trustee, Natural Resources Defense Council. Research Advisory Board, International Association of Privacy Professionals. Advisory Board, Electronic Privacy Information Center. Formerly, Director, Bureau of Consumer Protection, Federal Trade Commission; and Director, Public Citizen Litigation Group.

Sarah Bolling Mancini

2020-04-28T15:55:41-05:00August 6, 2014|Categories: About Us|Tags: |

Sarah Bolling Mancini is a staff attorney focusing on foreclosures, mortgage lending, and credit reporting issues. Sarah previously worked in the Home Defense Program of Atlanta Legal Aid, and has represented homeowners in litigation in state, federal district, and bankruptcy courts. She also clerked for the Honorable Amy Totenberg, U.S. District Court for the Northern [...]

Robyn Smith, Of Counsel

2020-04-28T16:45:47-05:00April 3, 2013|Categories: About Us|Tags: |

Robyn Smith currently works as Of Counsel with the National Consumer Law Center, where she concentrates on student loan and for-profit school issues. She also works on these issues as a staff attorney at the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles. Prior to this, Ms. Smith worked at the California Attorney General's office where she investigated [...]

Support Our Work

2019-12-19T09:48:53-05:00August 17, 2012|Categories: About Us, Support Our Work|

♦ DONATE NOW ♦ Become a Leader  ||  Tribute and Memorial Gifts  ||  Cy Pres Awards  ||  Legacy Giving Since 1969, the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) has worked on the most urgent problems affecting families in financial distress. NCLC is at the forefront in the fight for economic justice. Our work stops unfair and predatory business [...]

Legacy Giving

2019-03-21T07:43:05-05:00June 18, 2012|Categories: Support Our Work|

Wills and Bequests || What to Give Legacy Giving from National Consumer Law Center. *** If you are looking to help ensure that NCLC's mission continues in perpetuity while furthering your own financial objectives, a legacy gift can be the perfect way to help. Legacy gifts help us protect the rights of struggling families and [...]

Wills and Bequests

2019-03-21T07:43:36-05:00June 18, 2012|Categories: Support Our Work|

A bequest is a designation in your will or living trust that provides for a gift to NCLC after your lifetime. It can be arranged as a part of your initial estate planning or with an amendment to existing plans. A bequest is revocable, meaning that you retain full control over your belongings during your [...]

What to Give

2012-06-18T19:42:34-05:00June 18, 2012|Categories: About Us|

Stock or Bonds In addition to giving cash, you can give stock or bonds. Giving long-term appreciated stock is one of the most tax advantaged ways to make charitable gifts. By transferring appreciated stock and mutual fund shares to NCLC that you have owned for more than one year, you will avoid the capital gains [...]

Make a Bequest

2019-04-01T11:43:22-05:00June 18, 2012|Categories: About Us|

Through a planned gift, you can provide for the future of the National Consumer Law Center without making an outright gift of cash. Using almost any asset, you can benefit yourself and help us continue the work in which you believe. Please note: Gifts to NCLC, a 501(c)(3) organization, are tax-deductible to the extent allowed [...]

Gifts of Stock

2019-04-01T11:44:24-05:00June 18, 2012|Categories: About Us|

Gifts of Appreciated Securities Benefit You and The National Consumer Law Center Did you know that you can contribute appreciated securities to NCLC and receive certain tax benefits in return for your support? By transferring appreciated stock and mutual fund shares to NCLC that you have owned for more than one year, you will: Avoid [...]