
Richard Dubois is the Executive Director of NCLC. Rich began his career in the consumer movement and has over 20 years of wide-ranging experience in the field. He directs a staff of highly experienced attorneys, advocates, and researchers specializing in issues of consumer law and policy in NCLC’s Boston and Washington, D.C. offices.  Rich has been with NCLC since 1997, having served as Deputy Director, Director of Development and Project Planning, and as an attorney focusing on foreclosure prevention and sustainable homeownership issues. As development director, he was responsible for all fundraising and communications activities, including individual gifts, cy pres court awards, corporate and foundation support, and federal and state grants; and also conferences, trainings, and special events. As an attorney, he led trainings and conference sessions on homeownership issues to housing counselors, legal aid attorneys, private lawyers, and other advocates.  He was a co-author of Consumer Warranty Law, a contributing author to Surviving Debt, and co-author of a model state law on home improvement contracting.  Previously an attorney at the Center for Insurance Research, he earned a B.A. from Yale University and a J.D. from the University of Michigan.