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So far Michelle Deakin has created 220 blog entries.

HUD Guts Civil Rights Rule Used to Address Systemic Discrimination in the Housing Market on the Dawn of an Eviction and Foreclosure Crisis

2020-09-08T14:39:59-05:00September 8, 2020|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 8, 2020 National Consumer Law Center contacts: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) or Odette Williamson (owilliamson@nclc.org) National Consumer Law Center Advocates Urge HUD to Reverse Course and Restore Key Civil Rights Protections Washington, D.C. - In a continuing  campaign to weaken civil rights protections, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) [...]

Consumer & Civil Rights Advocates to OCC: Your Proposed “True Lender” Rule Would Help Fraudulent, Predatory Lenders Evade State Interest Rate Laws that Protect Families

2020-09-04T11:23:39-05:00September 3, 2020|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 3, 2020 Press Contacts:  Jan Kruse (NCLC): jkruse@nclc.org,  Ricardo Quinto (CRL): ricardo.quinto@responsiblelending.org, and Carter Dougherty (AFREF) carter@ourfinancialsecurity.org The timing of the OCC’s embrace of predatory lenders could not be worse   We are in the midst of an unprecedented health crisis and a severe economic crisis, with both crises impacting communities of [...]

CFPB Issues Proposal to Permit Mortgage Lenders to Make Unaffordable Loans Without Consequences

2020-08-18T15:52:39-05:00August 18, 2020|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 18, 2020 National Consumer Law Center contacts: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) or Alys Cohen (acohen@nclc.org) National Consumer Law Center Statement: Proposal May be Challenged Washington, D.C. - Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’(CFPB) announced a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking regarding the Dodd-Frank Act ability to repay and qualified mortgage rules. The following [...]

CFPB Proposal Allows Abusive “Zombie” Debt Collection to Continue

2020-08-04T11:47:31-05:00August 4, 2020|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AUGUST 4, 2020 National Consumer Law Center contacts: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) or April Kuehnhoff (akuhenhoff@nclc.org) Washington, D.C. – The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) should withdraw its supplemental proposed rule on disclosures and instead completely ban all collection of time-barred “zombie” debt, both in and out of court, wrote the National Consumer [...]

Amicus Brief Opposes OCC Charter That Would Aid Predatory Lenders 

2020-07-31T08:06:09-05:00July 31, 2020|Categories: Media Center|

For Immediate Release: July 31, 2020 Media Contacts: National Consumer Law Center: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) Center for Responsible Lending: Ricardo Quinto (ricardo.quinto@responsiblelending.org) National Community Reinvestment Coalition: Alyssa Wiltse (awiltse@ncrc.org)  WASHINGTON, D.C. - The National Consumer Law Center, Center for Responsible Lending, and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition filed an amicus brief in Lacewell v. Office of the [...]

Consumer, Civil Rights, and Housing Groups Call on U.S. Senate to Save Family Homes and Stop Evictions in Next COVID-19 Bill

2020-08-03T10:32:17-05:00July 28, 2020|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JULY 28, 2020 Contacts:  Americans for Financial Reform: Diop Harris (diop@ourfinancialsecurity.org) or Linda Jun (linda@ourfinancialsecurity.org) National Consumer Law Center: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) or Alys Cohen (acohen@nclc.org) Washington, D.C. – More than 50 consumer, civil rights, community, housing, and other public interest organizations sent a letter today to U.S. Senate leadership urging inclusion [...]

Student Loan Borrowers Need Real Relief, Not a COVID Stimulus Plan that Will Bury Them Deeper in Debt

2020-07-27T17:56:57-05:00July 27, 2020|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JULY 27, 2020 CONTACTS: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) or Persis Yu (pyu@nclc.org) New Republican Stimulus Bill Fails 43 Million Student Loan Borrowers Statement of Persis Yu, director of NCLC’s Student Loan Borrowers Assistance Project, in response to the COVID-19 stimulus package proposed by Senate Republicans today. “As Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) correctly stated [...]

Consumer Advocates to CFPB: Don’t Destabilize the Mortgage Market in the Midst of a Pandemic

2020-07-27T10:49:52-05:00July 27, 2020|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JULY 27, 2020 National Consumer Law Center contacts: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) or Alys Cohen (acohen@nclc.org) Washington, D.C. - Today, the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) and 13 other organizations sent a comment letter to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) urging it not to revamp the rules governing the residential mortgage market—a [...]

Consumer Groups Demand Review of FCC Ruling that the Calling Industry Claims Will Allow Millions More Unsolicited Text Messages and Calls to Consumers’ Cellphones

2020-07-24T14:22:24-05:00July 24, 2020|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 24, 2020 National Consumer Law Center contacts: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) or Margot Saunders (msaunders@nclc.org)  Advocates seek review of the Declaratory Ruling issued by the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, which blesses P2P texting platforms invented to evade consumer protections WASHINGTON, D.C. – Consumer groups, led by the National Consumer Law Center [...]

Leading Civil Rights & Housing Groups Condemn President’s Effort to Gut Fair Housing, Use of Incendiary Racial Rhetoric for Political Gain

2020-07-23T16:13:43-05:00July 23, 2020|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 23, 2020 Media contacts: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) or Odette Williamson (owilliamson@nclc.org) Fair housing advocates denounce Trump’s newest effort to eliminate a critical tool to desegregate communities and call on the president to instead concentrate on ensuring housing equity during a pandemic Washington, D.C.- Today, a coalition of civil rights, affordable housing [...]