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So far Michelle Deakin has created 220 blog entries.

 19 Financial Services and Consumer Groups Urge Congress to Exempt Economic Impact Payments from Garnishment 

2021-03-09T12:01:53-05:00March 9, 2021|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 10, 2021 National Consumer Law Center contacts: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) or Lauren Saunders (lsaunders@nclc.org) Congress should protect the third-round of economic impact payments from garnishment so families that need the financial relief can access funds without delay  Washington, D.C. – In a joint letter sent to Congress yesterday, 19 consumer and [...]

New Government Data Exposes Complete Failure of Education Department’s Income-Driven Repayment Program

2021-04-14T14:05:29-05:00March 8, 2021|Categories: Media Center, Uncategorized|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 8, 2021 Contacts: National Consumer Law Center: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) Student Borrower Protection Center: Walter Suskind (walter@protectborrowers.org) Just 32 Students Have Received Promised Debt Cancellation as 2 Million Remain Trapped in Decades-Old Debts; Advocates Call for Immediate Action to Deliver Debt Relief and Overhaul the Department’s Program Washington, D.C. – Approximately [...]

Report: What States Can Do to Save Lives and Protect Seriously Ill Residents from Utility Shut-Offs

2021-02-24T13:00:47-05:00February 24, 2021|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: FEBRUARY 24, 2021 National Consumer Law Center contact: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) Download the report and appendices, including each state’s rules and recommendations for crafting a strong rule at: http://bit.ly/ill-consumer-utility Boston – In each of the 50 states and in D.C., utility commissions set the rules regarding when and how the companies they [...]

COVID-Driven Utility Debt Fuels a Looming Crisis in Shut-offs in Massachusetts and the Nation

2021-02-17T14:00:09-05:00February 17, 2021|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 16, 2021 National Consumer Law Center contact: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) National Consumer Law Center Analysis Finds Huge Increase in Number of Small Business and Residential Customers at Risk of Termination Download the report at: http://bit.ly/covid-util-arrearages Boston - The COVID-19 crisis put millions of Americans in financial peril, hitting households of color [...]

Report: Vulnerable Taxpayers Can Expect Higher Costs for Tax Preparation Services During the COVID Economic Crisis; Missing Stimulus Payments Can Be Claimed through Tax Returns

2021-02-11T13:41:05-05:00February 11, 2021|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 11, 2021 National Consumer Law Center Contact: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) Download the report at: http://bit.ly/2021-tax-season Boston ― Tax season kicks off on February 12, several weeks later than usual. Today, the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) issued its annual advisory on taxpayer consumer protection issues and warned that consumers need to [...]

Advocates Applaud Bill to Restore Access to the Courts and End Forced Arbitration

2021-02-11T09:46:40-05:00February 11, 2021|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 11, 2021 Livestream the House Judiciary hearing on Forced Arbitration on Feb. 11 at 10am here. National Consumer Law Center contacts: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) or Lauren Saunders (lsaunders@nclc.org) Washington, D.C. – Robinhood may be able to thwart access to the courts for customers harmed in the recent GameStop incident. By inserting a [...]

Advocates Applaud Senate Bill Fund to Help Millions of Families Keep Their Homes; Urge Inclusion In COVID Stimulus Bill

2021-02-09T09:18:02-05:00February 5, 2021|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: FEBRUARY 5, 2021 Housing and Civil Rights Groups Call for Homeowner Assistance Fund to Avoid New Wave of Foreclosures and Devastating Effects for Communities of Color Today, leading housing and civil rights groups applauded Senator Jack Reed’s reintroduction of the Homeowner Assistance Fund bill as Congress and the Biden administration consider the [...]

Leading Civil Rights Groups Commend President Joe Biden’s Executive Action to Advance Fair Housing and Racial Equity 

2021-01-27T16:26:51-05:00January 26, 2021|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 26, 2021 Contacts: National Fair Housing Alliance: Izzy Woodruff, 202-898-1661,  IWoodruff@nationalfairhousing.org National Consumer Law Center: Jan Kruse, jkruse@nclc.org Washington, D.C. — Today, leading civil rights groups commended President Joe Biden for taking action to advance racial equity for Americans in the first days of his term. The civil rights community asked the [...]

National Consumer Law Center Statement on the Capitol Siege and Our Commitment to Racial Equity as We Celebrate the Life and Work of Martin Luther King, Jr.

2021-01-15T12:49:31-05:00January 15, 2021|Categories: Media Center|

January 15, 2021 By Richard Dubois, Executive Director Washington, D.C.-  In his iconic speech at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. urgently appealed to his fellow Americans to make real the promise of democracy. The decades-long campaign by activists for racial justice culminated with [...]

Report: Survey of State Student Protection Funds that Help Students Harmed by Higher Education Fraud

2021-01-15T09:00:13-05:00January 14, 2021|Categories: Media Center|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 14, 2021 National Consumer Law Center contact: Jan Kruse (jkruse@nclc.org) Download the full report, a map, charts on state student protection funds (SPFs), and a SPF evaluation checklist for advocates and legislators at: http://bit.ly/state-tuition-fraud-info Boston – When a college education is cut short by a school closure or a school engages [...]