

U.S. Department of Justice and Fraud Schemes Targeting Older Americans

Attorneys from the Department of Justices Consumer Protection Branch will describe fraud schemes targeting older Americans, including Jamaican lottery scams and large-scale psychic schemes. The crimes, perpetrated through mass mailings and telemarketing, affect hundreds of thousands of U.S. consumers. [...]

Debt Relief Services Aren’t Just for Kids Anymore

Older adults are increasingly entering retirement with large amounts of unsecured debt. Whether student loans or credit cards, the pressure of trying to pay these bills on a limited income makes older adults susceptible to debt relief scams. Debt [...]

Supporting Grandfamilies

Grandfamilies or kinship families are raising 2.5 million children, and a fourth of all children in foster care. Grandparents, other extended family members and close family friends step forward, often at a moment’s notice, to raise these children. Research [...]

Part 1: Getting Started In Student Loan Law

This was the first session in a series of student loan webinars. It provided participants with a background on student loan issues. It covered the importance of providing services to borrowers with student loan issues and the consequences of [...]

Medical Debt: Overview of New IRS Regulations and Industry Best Practices

This webinar will present an overview of the long-awaited IRS final regulations governing financial assistance and collection policies of nonprofit hospitals. The regulations require nonprofit hospitals to have written financial assistance policies; regulate debt collection by nonprofit hospitals and [...]

Limiting Confidentiality in Mortgage Litigation

Confidentiality issues in mortgage litigation arise frequently. From the early stages of discovery through final settlements, lenders and servicers routinely ask practitioners and clients to keep secrets. But, do these requests go too far? Does the servicers protective order [...]