

The Color of Debt: Racial Disparity in Debt Collection Lawsuits

Recently, ProPublica published, "The Color of Debt", a first-of-its-kind analysis that showed that debt collection lawsuits are far more common in black communities than white ones. This webinar will cover the details of ProPublicas analysis of court data, explore [...]

Discovery: Getting the Information You Need

Discovery plays a key role in mortgage litigation.  The focus on this program will be on what information is available from mortgage servicers and other possible parties, but we’ll also touch on electronic (ESI) discovery and protective orders. Presenters: [...]

The Fine Art of Balancing Protection with Self Determination

Research shows that empowering individuals to actively participate in personal decision making improves life outcomes and can reduce the risk of abuse and exploitation. There is a risk of abuse and exploitation in all models of decision making for [...]